Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate Declines for First Time in 6 Weeks

The 30-year fixed mortgage rate on Zillow Mortgage Marketplace is currently 4.38 percent, which is down slightly from last week, but up eight basis points from 4.30 percent at this time two weeks ago*.

The 30-year fixed mortgage rate steadily rose during the past two weeks, peaking at 4.43 percent last Wednesday before dropping to the current rate this morning.

“Rates were essentially unchanged last week after gradually climbing back up during the past few weeks to approach the three-month high we saw in September,” said Erin Lantz, director of mortgages at Zillow. “This week, we expect rates to remain at this higher plateau until normal market activity returns after the New Year’s holiday.”

Additionally, the 15-year fixed mortgage rate this morning was 3.34 percent and for 5/1 ARMs, the rate was 2.93 percent.

What are the interest rates right now? Check Zillow Mortgage Marketplace for mortgage rate trends and up-to-the-minute mortgage rates for your state.12-31-13 943 AM The weekly mortgage rate chart illustrates the average 30-year fixed interest in six-hour intervals.

* Due to the Dec. 25 holiday, Zillow did not release a weekly mortgage rate alert on Tuesday, Dec. 24.

via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ZillowBlog/~3/0_um6sWHUko/,www.greaterftmyershomes.com

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