Thursday, February 27, 2014

New: Save Photos from Zillow Directly to Your Zillow Digs Profile

Have you ever stumbled across your dream kitchen, or the perfect master bathroom while browsing for homes on Zillow? Maybe you loved the home’s architecture or interior design, but the location wasn’t perfect, or the home was out of budget.

Now you can put those inspiring photos to good use! Starting today you can build your dream home right from with just a click of a button. Using the “Save Image to Digs” icon, consumers can save and share photos from Zillow, the largest database of all homes, directly to their Zillow Digs profile – without even leaving their search screen.

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According to a recent survey, more than 40 percent of Zillow users are planning or doing a home improvement project. So whether you’re on the hunt for a new home or just browsing homes in your dream neighborhood, finding, saving and sharing home inspiration photos just got a whole lot easier. Collect pieces of your dream home and share with friends, family, interior designer or your real estate agent. Maybe your dream home is closer than you think.

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Zillow Digs is a hub for home improvement and design ideas with photos of kitchens, bathrooms, outdoor spaces and more – organized by space, style, cost and color. Users can collect images, share favorites and follow others for inspiration from the Zillow Digs App for iPhone and iPad or on the Web.

Check out Zillow Digs today to get started dreaming about home design!

via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News

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