Thursday, April 30, 2015

In Home Decor, Less is More

When you live in a small space, especially if you are a renter, it’s often difficult to keep your home streamlined. Clean lines and simple design aren’t achieved easily. The key is to avoid overcrowding so your space can sing.

Editing a space is a trade secret of quality interior decorating. Here are some tricks for redecorating using items you already have. You’ll be amazed how a quick rearrangement can change your perspective.

Color-matching vibe

End tables often become a magnet for magazines, keys, office supplies and more.


Before: Haphazardly grouped items disrupt the space’s visual harmony

Get rid of the debris, then discourage it from accumulating again by grabbing a few favorite titles with color-matching bindings and stacking them to create a sweet, concise arrangement. Add interest by introducing an item with personal significance, like a camera or vase.


After: A monochromatic display and minimal embellishment create a stylish vignette

You’ve already got the materials for this easy update, and even a small edit can have big impact. Your space will instantly look bigger and cleaner.

Clear out the clutter

The dining room table and office spaces can quickly become cramped or overcrowded.


Before: Items spread over the dining table make the space look smaller

Clear off your pop-up office and unopened mail, and replace the mess with one seasonal arrangement on the table.

Large palm fronds in a tall glass vase make for an eye-catching centerpiece. Putting natural wood near metal accents creates a contrast in textures. This large custom wood table next to the radiator screams brownstone charm.


After: A single arrangement on the table provides a focal point and sense of openness

Streamlining is an amazing way to draw the eye to your home’s accents. The age-old Coco Chanel saying to take one accessory off applies to your surfaces as well as your outfits.

Paint it white

The trend a few decades ago was to surprise with loud bursts of colors and accent walls. While bold colors have their place in the design world, the trend of the moment is simple white.

But don’t think going with white limits your options. It’s not your mother’s eggshell anymore, and you can really express yourself with this powerful neutral. For example, Sherwin-Williams offers tons of shades, like Ice Cube, Opera Glass, and Medici Ivory.


A white backdrop brings the spotlight back to your amazing home. Whether you highlight its delightfully worn hardwood floors or boldly accented side pieces, your space can act as a canvas to show off all the furniture and personal touches you’ve added through the years.

Make a sale

If you’ve got old books, records or dishware taking up valuable space, there are tons of ways to make sure these unwanted items find a good home.

Use websites like to sell or trade your unwanted home furnishings. Even an old-fashioned yard (or, in this case, stoop) sale can keep your discarded belongings out of the landfill.


They’ll become someone else’s treasures — and you’ll clear some space and make a little cash.


via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News

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