Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 Instagram Stars Share Their Best Home Photography Tips

Taking a beautiful photo of your home is more complicated than it looks. Natural or artificial light? Wide lens or standard? Wait, should I take a close-up of the front door?

Luckily, Nashville's top Instagram influencers know a thing or two about taking photos in the home. Scroll through these pros' social media feeds and you'll likely see bright morning rays from a bedroom window or an inspired chalkboard wall in the kitchen. Here are five simple photography tips that'll have your camera roll looking like a pro’s in no time.

Light it up

"Light is the most important aspect of good photography. Try to use natural light as much as possible. Open all your windows, turn on all the interior lights and be mindful of weird shadows. Late in the afternoon, during golden hour, is the best time of day to take beautiful photos."

- Lindsy Read, @lmrphotos, photographer in Rolling Mill Hill, NashvilleLindsey home

Choose your message

"Think about what you’re trying to say in your photo. If you want to show your house as lived in with every moment enjoyed, leave a few papers or a basket of fruit around. To be more editorial, you need to tidy your space. If I’m trying to show off the couch my husband built, I’ll rearrange the pillows first, but that’s a deliberate choice I'm making to display our lives."

- Blair McLeod, @blairita, blogger and mother of two in East Nashville

Blair home

Embrace the options

"Move around often and try different approaches. I might take 150 photos of one recipe and only publish five, but that's only after moving the food from the kitchen table to the counter to the living room. Be sure to take notes as you go to keep track of the best time of day for natural light in every room."

- Hannah Messinger, @hmmessinger, food stylist in East Nashville

Hannah home

Change the perspective

"When I teach my nonprofit students photography, I always discuss angles. We call it the ant’s or the bird’s perspective. With photos, think how an ant would see the space, and shoot from below. Or go up the stairs and take a photo from the top down, as if you were seeing from a bird's point of view. Challenge yourself to see your life differently through the lens."

- Kate Gazaway, @ladykategazaway, nonprofit teacher in East Nashville

Kate home

Pick and choose

"We're renting our ranch-style home, and the floors are far from perfect. Instead of taking a picture of the entire room, I only show the part I want others to see. You may not like your entire living room, but there's probably a portion you do enjoy. Think of your photos as carefully selected snippets highlighting just the best pieces."

- Natalie Ensor, @takethecannoli1, blogger and independent maker in outer Nashville

Natalie home


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