Monday, April 11, 2016

#HomemadeHack: Make a Seedling Starter

Get a head start on your spring planting with these clever citrus-based seedling planters.

1. Slice a small segment from the bottoms of  a few lemons (one for each seedling you’re planting) so they’ll stand up without wobbling.

GardenSprout (55 of 338)

2. Stand the lemons upright, and cut off the top third of each one. GardenSprout (92 of 338)

3. Scoop out the flesh and seeds. GardenSprout (169 of 338)

4. Fill the empty lemon-peel shells with potting soil. GardenSprout (232 of 338)

5. Nestle a seedling into the soil. GardenSprout (259 of 338)

6. Watch them grow!GardenSprout (306 of 338)

Check out our video to see the #HomemadeHack in action!


via Zillow Porchlight | Real Estate News, Advice and Inspiration

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