Monday, November 23, 2015

#HomemadeHack Thanksgiving Timesaver: Peel Your Potatoes With a Drill

The big game’s on, family and friends have gathered, and there’s so much to do. Save yourself some time with this speedy trick for peeling potatoes lightning fast.

1. Gather your supplies: a pile of taters and your power drill (with a thoroughly washed bit in place). 1P0A7767

2. Get your potato in position and grab your peeler.1P0A7816 sm

3. Ready, set, peel!1P0A7947 sm

4. Get those bad boys into boiling water and cross “Peel potatoes” off your to-do list.1P0A8046 sm

Happy Thanksgiving!

via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News

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