Friday, December 4, 2015

How I Prepare for the Holidays


Tarek and Christina El Moussa

It's amazing how quickly time flies, isn't it? I can't believe that last Christmas break I was on bed rest with my pregnancy, and now it's nearly holiday time again! The past year has been so busy and wonderful, and now it's time to prepare for some celebrations. Tarek and I always enjoy the holiday season, but it's extra special this year, as it will be Brayden's first Christmas!

Finding balance

We don't like to make too many commitments at this time of the year and risk feeling rushed; we want to enjoy our family and friends. I find it far more rewarding to attend a few choice celebrations with those closest to us, than to try to make it to every holiday event we get an invite for.

It can be a nice change to spend the end of the year taking things slowly and appreciating the small moments that make life wonderful. For instance, I look forward to making Tarek's favorite chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. We sit and enjoy them together and have a chance to actually talk and connect over a delicious meal, and it's far less work than a three-course dinner.

Embracing the season

Christmas tree and Christmas ornaments on floor

Because it doesn't snow here in southern California, it doesn't always feel like winter. When we can't get to the snow, it's important to make an extra effort to make it feel (and smell) like winter here at home. I put out fresh pine greens and wreaths for decoration, and use scented candles in all varieties of spicy, warm scents. Baking the occasional holiday treat can also make the house smell amazing.

When it comes to getting your house ready for the season, there's no need to limit holiday décor just to the tree. Sprinkling holiday cheer into other rooms in the house makes the atmosphere festive and really ties together the theme. Adding a pop of Christmas colors or silver and gold - perhaps by swapping out pillows or placing small seasonal arrangements on end tables and mantelpieces - can really change the look and feel of a room. I try to carry my rustic glam style throughout the décor of the house, to make the whole place feel cozy and welcoming.

Looking ahead

Another thing Tarek and I like to do is think about what we want to work on, experience, and accomplish during the upcoming year. Looking ahead to 2016, we've already had a few thoughts:

  • New Year's resolutions are hard because they don't always last. Instead, we focus on how we want to live, and trying to have an "attitude of gratitude" that extends beyond the holiday season.
  • We want to enjoy our little family, and set aside plenty of time to spend together. Seeing all the little special moments with our children [Brayden and older sister, Taylor] is so important to us.
  • We're grateful that we work for ourselves so we can balance our work and family life. Being able to remember and appreciate this is such a vital thing to do.
  • We'd like to continue to branch out into flips in other areas of the country, and take our business on the road a little more!
  • Both of us also want to continue to mentor newbie investors so they can work for themselves, and find the sort of balance we have, in their own lives. We just love to motivate others!

What about you? Do you have any holiday traditions you're particularly looking forward to? Do you also take the time to think about what the upcoming year will mean for you and your family? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News

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