Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How to Create a Restful Bedroom

November through January is a busy, busy time. With family dinners, office parties and Christmas shopping, lack of sleep inevitably follows, and full-blown burnout becomes a very real possibility.

While you're out and about this month gathering goodies for stockings and presents from Santa, don't forget to think about yourself. A restful bedroom can be the key to combating fatigue this holiday season.

Clear the clutter

It's often said that a cluttered room is the sign of a cluttered mind. Having too much "stuff" obstructs from the flow of a serene space, and doesn't tie in well with any design concept.

Take what you love and move it somewhere safe, and get rid of everything else. Having a clear and collected space will lead to a clear and collected life. Don't you feel better already?


Courtesy of Zillow Digs.

Soothe with a calm color palette

Nothing whispers "rest" quite like a soft and soothing color palette. From cozy cream to serene beige, color is key when creating a restful bedroom. Refrain from bold colors like red, green, or yellow, and instead use those shades to accent your calming paint choice instead.


Courtesy of Zillow Digs.

Total texture

Sink into a sound slumber quickly and easily with plush pillows, dreamy duvets, and cozy throw blankets. Layer different textures, prints, and soft colors to create a bed as irresistible as a 3 o'clock nap.


Courtesy of Zillow Digs.

Go stress-free with a sitting area

Don't want to ruffle your restful bed sheets? Create a cozy corner instead with a chair, side table, and a great reading lamp. Grab a cozy blanket, sip a cup of tea, and get lost in a good book while relaxing the day away in your rest-inspiring oasis.


Courtesy of Zillow Digs.

Finish with lush lighting

When you're about to drift off to dream land, nothing’s worse than switching from light and bright to dull and dark. Opt for lighting that is dimmable or masked by an opaque shade. Layer lighting with pendants, recessed cans, and tableside lamps for the perfect amount of sparkle.


Courtesy of Zillow Digs.

The holidays don't have to mean all-nighters and dazed mornings. Create your restful bedroom using the above elements, your favorite sleep-inducing rituals, and personal touches that you find particularly restful. Sit back, relax, and lull yourself to sleep knowing that the New Year is just around the corner.


via Zillow Porchlight | Real Estate News, Advice and Inspiration

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