Friday, January 8, 2016

5 Benefits of Apartment Living for Families

Not every child needs a big yard and a spacious playroom. As more Americans choose to rent rather than buy (or do so out of economic necessity), raising a family in an apartment building rather than a single-family unit becomes increasingly common.

While it’s true children raised in apartments may miss out on having a fenced-in yard, there are several advantages to opting out of the single-family home.

Your kids will get to know a diverse mix of people

Apartment buildings draw an array of residents and visitors. Your neighbors, their families, their friends, their delivery people, and anyone offering an at-home service will pass through your shared entryway. Your children will learn to share a space with these people - and perhaps even open the door for them.

The socialization and tolerance picked up through these casual encounters will be invaluable to your children as they grow up in a diverse, interconnected world. People of different backgrounds will seem much less intimidating if your child has regularly ridden the elevator with them.

Convenient playmates and babysitters

Your child's best friend could be just a floor away. Rather than commuting to a scheduled play date, children in apartment buildings simply race up the stairs and knock on their friend's door.

Multi-family living encourages socialization among children who cannot resist joining in on playtime in the hallway. Some apartment complexes include playgrounds, basketball courts, and pools to provide resident children a space to play together.

In addition to having other children in the building, you may also have trustworthy neighbors who could babysit for you. The teenager downstairs might be happy to earn some spending money while you enjoy a date night.

Especially in an emergency, having someone next door whom you can count on to watch your kids is a definite housing perk.

You will be encouraged to take your kids out

Families living in smaller apartments often find that leaving home during the day is imperative for their sanity. Without the extra space for a playroom or a garage full of outdoor recreation equipment, your children will likely beg to head out once they've exhausted their limited entertainment options.

While it's true that getting your kids to the swing set will require more effort than opening the screen door, leaving the house can be a good thing. Heading out to the park or community center during playtime allows you and your children an opportunity to socialize. Interacting with other families prevents the isolation that sometimes creeps up on parents and children who spend most of their time at home.

Though it may seem inconvenient in the moment, the advantages of having spontaneous experiences in new places is good for you and your family in the long run.

Less time spent on home maintenance, more time for your family

Most renters don’t have to worry about mowing the lawn or fixing broken pipes. And severe storms don’t create anxiety about repairing the roof or replacing the windows. While homeowners spend a considerable amount of time and money on household projects, one of the perks of renting is having a landlord in charge of maintenance and repairs.

This is especially helpful for working families who would prefer to spend their limited time together playing, rather than doing chores around the house. Instead of spending your weekend refinishing the deck, you can focus on more enjoyable family activities.

Safety in numbers

Even if your apartment building doesn’t have a high-end security system or a doorman, your family benefits from the presence of neighbors who could help in an emergency. The familiar faces down the hall could report a burglary or even call the fire department if they smelled smoke coming from your unit.

While living in an apartment may deprive you of the privacy of a standalone home, the feeling of community may more than compensate for the loss. Children who are old enough to be home alone will be much less isolated with neighbors close at hand, and you can rest assured that additional eyes and ears are supervising your little ones while you're away.


via Zillow Porchlight | Real Estate News, Advice and Inspiration

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