Friday, March 25, 2016

Transform Your Junk Drawer (Without Spending a Dime)

Kick off your spring cleaning with this fun and easy organization project. A cluttered drawer full of junk quickly becomes neat and tidy with a little help from some basic household items and recyclables.


  1. Gather small cardboard boxes, tubes, and even egg cartons, as well as glass jars, plastic bowls, and other trays and dishes handy for holding small items.1
  2. Take a look at your junk drawer to see what kind of odds-and-ends you need space for.2
  3. Cut the boxes down to a height that will fit inside the drawer. 3
  4. Cover the boxes in leftover wrapping paper.4
  5. Take everything out of the drawer and fill it with the paper-covered boxes, jars, and trays.5
  6. Group like items in each space.7

Enjoy having everything you need right at your fingertips!



via Zillow Porchlight | Real Estate News, Advice and Inspiration

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