Wednesday, May 25, 2016

3 Must-Have Power Tools for Homeowners

Perhaps you’ve just purchased your first house and you’re looking forward to fixing things and making the home your own. Or maybe you’re a seasoned homeowner, but you want to start doing things around the house and making repairs yourself, rather than hiring someone to do them for you. If this sounds like you, then congratulations! You’re on the way to becoming a DIY-er.

The question is, how do you begin stocking your DIY toolbox? The huge selection of power tools at your local home improvement store can be overwhelming. And you could easily spend thousands of dollars on tools that you might not need at first.

To help you get started, here are three power tools every homeowner should have in their toolbox. These three versatile tools will get you on your way to doing your own home improvement tasks in no time at all.

Cordless drill

The cordless power drill is the true workhorse of a homeowner's tool box. Not only is it a drill, but with a quick bit replacement, your drill will also fill in as a screwdriver and paint or joint compound mixer.


Purchasing guide:

  • Comfort. When you’re shopping for a drill, hold several different models in your hand, and decide which feels the most comfortable. Try to imagine what it might feel like after an hour or more of use.
  • Power. For the average person who will be using their drill to do home improvement projects around the house, 12 to 18 volts is sufficient.
  • Features. You’ll want a drill with a variable speed feature, because it will allow you to drill through different materials at different speeds. For example, when drilling through metal, you will need to drill at much lower speed than if you were drill through wood. Additional features such as an LED light or a built-in level are nice to have, but not absolutely necessary.

Circular saw

A circular saw is the best tool for making straight cuts in wood quickly. It is indispensable for any type of project that involves building things with wood. Whether you need to just cut a few 2 x 4's or you’re working on a large project such as a deck, you’ll need to own a circular saw.


Purchasing guide:

  • Size. Choose a circular saw that is a size you can easily handle. Some of the corded models can be rather heavy; however, the battery-operated types are often lighter and easier to maneuver.
  • Blades. Make certain that the blades you purchase are compatible with your particular type of saw. Blades are available in a variety of types, but for general purposes you’ll want to purchase a carbide-tipped circular saw blade.

Electric oscillating multi-tool

The value of a multi-tool is that it can get into the small spaces a larger power tool can’t go. For example, you can use it for removing caulk or grout, sanding small items, or cutting pipe in awkward locations, just to name a few uses. When you encounter an odd situation in your home, such as a tight corner that you need to get into, your oscillating tool will be there to save the day.


Purchasing guide:

  • Price. You can get one of these handy tools for about $30 at the low end, or up to $130 for a model with all the bells and whistles. In this case, more expensive might not be better, so do your research on brands and models that look good to you.
  • Comfort. As with power drills, how the tool feels in your hand is very important. Turn on the tool in the store while you’re holding it, because some models will have more vibration than others.

With these three power tools in your home toolbox, you’ll be equipped to tackle a wide variety of home improvement projects, and feel the pride and sense of accomplishment of completing them yourself.

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