Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Five Perks of Solo Renting

While it can certainly be fun, living with roommates may also be chaotic at times. Figuring out how to share utility bills, the bathroom, chores - and even your Wi-Fi connection - isn't always easy.

If you're wondering whether you’re ready to live on your own, check out these five perks of solo renting.

1. You have control over your bills

No more fighting over the thermostat, who's hogging the internet, or shower time limits. Keep the temperature set at your ideal 67 degrees while streaming your favorite show sans-buffering, and take all the bubble baths you want.

When you live alone, you have (almost) complete control over what you see on your billing statements at the end of the month.

2. Those passive aggressive days are over

That note on your fridge telling you to keep your music down? Gone.

And you know those dishes that pile up in the sink while everyone waits for that one roommate to get the hint and finally wash her own pots and pans? You can kiss those days goodbye.

Blast that new Taylor Swift tune, and keep your dishes in the sink as long as you'd like.

3. Your home, your style

Trying to mesh a number of decorating styles into one home can be tough. Sure, it's normal to deal with the plaid couch from your uncle, a roommate's grandmother's vintage gold lamps, another roommate's sister's animal-print rug, and the floral wallpaper you got stuck with.

But once you rent alone, you get to choose your own place and plan the decor your way. Your landlord may even let you paint.

4. Give your creativity and productivity a boost

Being alone actually helps enhance your creativity and increases productivity, which makes sense as you no longer have roommates dragging you away from your computer for movie night in the living room.

5. It's a chance to get serious about budgeting

You may pay more in rent, but there are ways to keep costs low. Try negotiating a lower monthly rent with your potential landlord, and look for a place with extras included, such as an on-site gym, a covered parking spot, and cable or Internet.

Not paying extra for these perks will make a difference to your monthly budget.

Making the leap

If those five reasons aren't enough to convince you to strike out on your own, science has some compelling evidence as to why living alone may be a wise move.

Research shows "living alone seems to encourage more, not less, social interaction," according to Eric Klinenberg, author of "Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone."

Fortunately, when you're ready to make the leap to living solo, finding a place is easier than you may think. You won't have to worry about getting your roommates' opinions before putting down the deposit. If you want it, go for it.

From how to break your existing lease to what you need to know about rental pricing and your rights as a renter, the Zillow Renter's Guide will get you on your way to a home you can call your own.


via Zillow Blog - Real Estate Market Stats, Celebrity Real Estate, and Zillow News http://ift.tt/1V9cjni

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